Thursday, October 16, 2008

Welcome to the Spiritual Farmer's Market!

For this blog, I'd like to define a spiritual market as any online site selling a product(s) or service(s) or physical store with a website that sells a product(s) or service(s) relating to the "spiritual" world. And, even though I say "online" I'm willing to slide completely from that to accommodate great spiritual markets by the not-so-technical. If you have read my other blog, Spiritual Blog Reviews, then you probably know that I have a very open mind when it comes to applying the label "spiritual", so please submit your sites!

Also, since I am not omnipresent, I would hope that if you have experienced a particular service, product, or store (that is not your own) and you would like to share with the readers here that you volunteer to be a reviewer! Let's spread the word! I ask that you follow the format in my reviews to include a basic description, your experience and the specifics.

If you have an item or service to sell and would like to see it on this site, please email me the information. Include when possible:
  1. What you are selling- Be specific! If you want a good review from me, be sure to include as many details as you can! If possible, include something specific that you want people to know about you and your product/service.
  2. Category- Whether your item is a product or a service, I would like to know which subcategory you think it should go in (ex-books, healing, massage, artwork...etc).
  3. Pictures- Essential for products and services alike as people tend to be visually oriented. If you do not have a picture for a service, consider sending one of yourself.
  4. Background- Give us some history on your product- why did you choose to sell it. What is unique about your situation and how it relates to your product. If this is a service, be sure to include why you believe you are qualified to perform this service.
  5. Time- How long have you been selling this product/service?
  6. Website- Where can people go to check out your product/service/store?
  7. Pricing- If you do not have set pricing, please specify a range or contributors to the price. Also, how do you receive payment?
  8. Physical Location- I will include a map of stores and services, so if you would like to be on the map, please give me an address.
OPTIONAL: If you are confident in your service or product and would like a plug from me, contact me about a personal evaluation. While I will offer this service for free, I would also expect to receive your product or service for free too. This is, of course, entirely optional, but may give you more credibility in the eyes of the readers!

Remember, this site is designed to serve as a continuing reference for those seeking spiritual goods and services. If you discontinue your product or service, please let me know! Likewise, if pricing or product information changes, I will need to update your review.

I wish you the best with your ventures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just launched a website I made myself called Since you are quite into this scene and probably have seen quite a few website I was wondering if you have any suggestions for me to improve.

I am quite new, but since 1996 I had this idea about a spiritual profile for anyone that is interested. Than the internet came and it was suddenly possible to create a website for it. It took a while, but I am proud of the result.

Good Blog b.t.w.!
